Star wars factions symbols
Star wars factions symbols

Optimistic but often gullible, Rachel can bring units back to their full shape faster than other COs, and is able to bring destruction from above when in desperate situations. Rachel: the de-facto leader of the Allied Nations.Stern but sensitive, Nell is known for being lucky, with all of her units being able to randomly pack more of a punch. Strong-willed but hot-tempered, Sami is a master of foot soldiers as well as capturing the enemy propertys, but she isn't very skilled when it comes to any other kind of unit. Strong but reckless, Max packs a punch when it comes to his direct forces, but is too clumsy to use indirect units properly.

star wars factions symbols

As the most inexperienced, his units don't gain any benefits or disbenefits.

star wars factions symbols

Optimistic but naive, Andy is the best mechanic around, able to repair his damaged units and give them a tune-up.

Star wars factions symbols